Tag: tweaks
UnderDock Keyboard Actions Tweak
The Best iOS 16.5 Jailbreak Tweaks
Here are some of the best iOS 16.5 jailbreak tweaks I have found for the palera1n rootless jailbreak.
OTADisabler Delete And Disable The iOS OTA Update
Landscape iPhone Home Screen With IconRotation
IconRotation is a jailbreak tweak that lets you rotate your icons depending on device orientation.
iPhone Setup: Half & Half
IconExporter App For TrollStore / MacDirtyCow
TrollBox App For TrollStore / MacDirtyCow
TrollBox app is another app that takes advantage of TrollStore and MacDirtyCow
Best Rootless Control Center Tweaks
How To Derootify A Tweak For Rootless
Best Rootless Tweaks For iOS 15 / iOS 16
StatusTime (Tweak) Customize Date & Time In Status Bar
FloatingDockXVI (Tweak) Floating Dock On iOS 16
Rootless Repos With Tweaks For iOS 15 – 16
Some Awesome Jailbreak Tweaks For iOS 14

Check out these awesome iOS 14 jailbreak tweaks for iPhone! sh4dow, avatar, palette, tweaksettings and more!
Tweak: Avatar – Memoji Studio For iOS 14

Avatar is a Memoji studio app that apple should have made. A feature rich application allowing you to break free your Memoji & Animoji from iMessage!