Tag: iPad
CosmicRa1n – iPad Wallpaper
CosmicRa1n – iPad Wallpaper
CosmicRa1n – iPad Wallpaper
How To Type The Apple Logo

Here is how you can type the Apple logo on iPhone or iPad
The Best Sideloading Options For iPhone & iPad
MacDirtyCow Exploit Explained
The MacDirtyCow exploit was originally released by Ian Beer of Google Project Zero CVE-2022-46689 and has been used in a number of applications that provide various tweaks / mods on the device without the need of a jailbreak.
New Game – Mighty DOOM
How To Install IPA’s With Sideloadly
How To Install AltStore On Windows
How To Install AltStore On macOS
Chroma Hue – Customize Your Wallpapers
iOS 14.3 Jailbreak Update

iOS 14.3 Jailbreak Update! What is the best version of iOS 14 to be on for a jailbreak?