Tag: iOS
How To Install IPA’s With Sideloadly
How To Install AltStore On Windows
How To Install AltStore On macOS
Apple Working To Add Support For Sideloading & 3rd Party App Stores In iOS 17
In accordance with the EU’s new Digital Markets Act, Apple will support third-party app stores and sideloading on European iPhones and iPads. A Bloomberg report states that Apple is using a “significant amount of resources” to implement this change in iOS 17, which launches in late 2023.
How To Install iOS 16 Beta 1 – Easy & Free
How To Upgrade To Unsigned Versions Of iOS With supervised.me
Supervised.me will allow you to update your iOS device to an unsigned version of iOS by way of 90 day delay. When apple stops signing a version of iOS this prevents you from being able to upgrade/downgrade/restore to that version via iTunes or Finder. Interestingly the “upgrade” is still possible via OTA or over the air in your device’s settings app for 90 days after apple stops signing that version. So with some backup trickery @SaundersTech has managed to make this possible for everyone to do with a simple backup & profile!
checkra1n Jailbreak updated to 0.12.4 with hotfix for A9X

checkra1n jailbreak update with a hotfix for A9X new version 0.12.4 Beta - see what is new
The Best iPhone Apps May 2021

Here are all of my most commonly used apps on my iPhone 12 Pro Max
Best iOS 14 Tweaks of the Week

The best iOS 14 jailbreak tweaks of the week! Boxy 4, Orion, ChatUI, JellyLock Reborn and more!
The Best iOS 14 Tweaks: reb00t’s Keyboard & Laetus

Amazing keyboard theme for Laetus by reb00t on YT
The Best iOS 14 Tweaks: SnowBoard & Extensions

The best iOS 14 jailbreak tweaks: SnowBoard & Extensions. This allows you to enable custom icon themes and various other themed elements.
The Best iOS 14 Repos

My personal picks of some of the best repos for iOS 14
Space Weather Setup

Animated space weather setup - step by step guide. Works on iOS 14.3 and up for iPhone
iOS 14 Setup: The Mandalorian

iOS 14 Setup: The Mandalorian - here is a simple setup I created on iOS 14 no jailbreak required
How To Use Weather Wall Shortcut iOS 14

Here is a quick demo on how to use weather wall shortcuts to put live weather onto your wallpaper! No jailbreak required works on iOS 14.