This setup features a clean icon set, live weather icons and a traveling moon/sun on the lockscreen. Yes the moon and sun travel across you lockscreen as the day goes on!

First we will start with the theme.
L3TO by Att57 & MtK click the button below to purchase it.
Here is a guide on how you can use the theme no jailbreak on iOS 14.
Next is the weather walls. You will need a specific file placed in your shortcuts folder in the files app.
Create a folder named iOSWeather within the shortcuts folder.

Spell it exact. This is CASE sensitive!
Now that you have that folder. I will supply you with all the needed files, wallpapers and icons.
You need to extract this file and move it into the folder iOSWeather. Unzip is a free app in the AppStore you can unzip files with.

Now for the 2 shortcuts
Install both shortcuts into your shortcuts app. Swipe to the bottom and “add untrusted shortcut”
Run the “setup” shortcut first to set screen sizes for your device. You will run it 3 times setting up each section. Lockscreen – homescreen day – homescreen night.

Now that you have it all setup run the SunMoonWeather shortcut. This will apply all elements to the wallpapers. NOTE: you might have to resize and reposition elements as I have this setup for the iPhone 12 Pro Max. You can make all these edits in the SunMoonWeather main shortcut.
Now you will have to setup automation in shortcuts app. Every 30 min to 1 hour run a script to then run the shortcut this will keep everything updated through out the day.
How to automate weather wall to update weather using shortcuts automation.. that’s a tongue twister lol
— Cosmic (@CosmicRa1n) December 31, 2020
Make sure to “turn off – ask before running” for every automated shortcut.

Turn off shortcut notifications as well in the screen time section in settings. Settings/screen time/see all activity/notifications/shortcuts
Here is a video tutorial if you still don’t understand.
Lastly here is the Widgy widget. Scan the QR code within the Widgy app and add it to your homescreen!