Ok mark this as the start of showing off cool things you can do on iOS 16! Here are the 5 first things I did after upgrading to iOS 16 Beta.
#1 Notification Count View On LS

This is not on by default simply open the Settings app and navigate to Notifications>Display As then choose “Count”. Now all of your lock screen notifications will be shown at the bottom of the screen as just a count which in my humble opinion is much more clean than having your LS cluttered with notifications.
#2 Custom App Icons

Customizing app icons has been around since iOS 14 but still I had to do it right away. I have a dedicated video and post on how you can create these – See Here
The theme featured here is a mix of actual stock icons & KindaStock icons. Unfortunately KindaStock is a jailbreak theme that I ported to my non jailbroken iPhone. Here is the direct link but you can’t download it unless you are jailbroken – See Here
#3 Keyboard Haptics

Another jailbreak tweak taken by Apple. You can enable keyboard haptics, now every character you type on your iOS keyboard will give you a small vibration as you type! Simply navigate to Settings app Sounds & Haptics>Keyboard Feedback and toggle on “Haptic” it’s off by default.
#4 Edit Lock Screen Widgets

Almost everyone knows that you can enable widgets on the Lock Screen now with iOS 16 but it goes deeper than that. When you choose what widget you want to use you can either “tap” or “hold” that widget to get more options for that widget! Some widgets have options some don’t but it’s pretty cool to know.
#5 Homescreen Creator

Homescreen Creator is an indepth shortcut that allows you to add icon shadows, custom docks, widget backgrounds and more. This is a somewhat complicated shortcut to operate and I have an entire dedicated tutorial for it! See Here
Wallpaper Info
What do you think? Do you like my first 5 list for iOS 16? Comment down below