Here are some of my personal favorite widgy widgets for iPhone on iOS 15. Thank you to all the creators of these widgets!
The wallpaper used in these screenshots is created by me and available at the bottom of this post! As far as the rest of the setup i’m using WeatherHTML shortcut to place “Friday” and status bar “Weather Icons” onto my wallpaper. More details here
#1: Styx (top widget)
#2: Music Widget AR72014 (bottom left)
#3: Beauty Weather by @josealvarezn (bottom right)

This setup is from yesterdays post – icons & wallpaper – see more here
#4: iOS by @jaimito503 (top widget)
#5 Kochab by Dr. iPhone (bottom left)
#6: Orion by Dr. iPhone (bottom right)

#7: Idk by @0gjay1


#8: Pollux


#9: iOS 15 ? by Dr. iPhone


#10: Clock by @0gJay1

Hope you enjoyed my first top 10 list of some of the best widgy widgets for iPhone on iOS 15.
The WeatherHTML shortcut theme used in these setups is iDM_12 available for download from the iNNOVATION discord server you can find the theme in #weatherhtml-gallery. Below is my video guide on how to use WeatherHTML shortcut.
Any questions feel free to ask below in the comments. Also if you like these kind of post’s leave some feedback I appreciate any! What is your favorite widgy widget? Show me on twitter I love to see inspiring iPhone setups! ? @iDM_FROM_YT
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