SeetingsRevamp is a tweak that lets you customize the stock settings application. From a banner image to a new “tweaks” section and everything in between.

Tweak Name: SettingsRevamp
Tweak Price: Free
Tweak Repo:
Organize Settings
- Tweaks section title
- System apps title
- App store apps title
- Tweaks section custom icon
- Position top or bottom

Banner Settings
- Apple account stealth mode
- Image
- Custom Banner

General Settings
- Central Labels
- Center iCloud and hide details
- Circle icons
- Remove chevrons
- Disable edge to edge cells
- Hide icons
- Hide search bar
- Hide cell separator

Extra Settings
- Show local IP
- Show disk space
- Show battery health

Label Settings
- Custom settings lable
- Custom title label

Custom Color Settings
- Label color
- Detail label color
- Table background color
- Background color

Custom Background Settings
- Transparent table
- Image background
- Blur image background

And if you are not happy with how you have customized your settings app you can fully reset it back to the stock state!