Cowabunga Lite v1.0 Beta 6 now has the ability to remove the icon labels of your non themed apps!

Cowabunga Lite has received an update that lets you remove the icon labels of the apps you currently have on your Home Screen.

Theme All Apps (Includes apps not included in the selected theme)
When you use this option Cowabunga Lite will generate new icons of all the apps you have on your Home Screen and they won’t have any labels!
Also these apps don’t have any banners or redirects! They open seamless like a regular app.
Note: you will not have notification badges on these new app icons.
Beta 6 includes other useful changes
Change log
Cowabunga Lite v1.0 beta 6
- You can now customize the display name and icon of each individual app!
- Added ability to apply WebClips even if the app is not included in the theme
- Changed animation speed to a slider
- Entirely remade icon theming backend – Please delete your old WebClips otherwise you will have duplicates
- Fixed issue where OTA Killer would not apply when Springboard Options were disabled
- Fixed issue where the restore would fail even when FindMy is disabled
Remember to back up your devices before using this software
If you are facing problems, please delete the CowabungaJailed folder inside of your documents.
For more information please see my original Cowabunga Lite post
Wallpaper: Download Here